Our commitment to addressing copyright infringement claims in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) involves promptly responding to clear notices and terminating the accounts of repeat infringers without notice. As a copyright owner or authorized agent, if you believe any content on our website (movieswatchd.com) violates your exclusive rights, you can submit a notification to our Designated Copyright Agent. The notification should include a physical or electronic signature, identification of the copyrighted work(s), and information on the material claimed to be infringing or subject to infringing activity that needs to be removed or disabled. Additionally, provide us with contact information so that we may contact you.
If you choose to send us a counter-notification, please ensure it's a written communication and includes a physical or electronic signature and identification of the copyrighted work(s) claimed to be infringed.
Our Designated Copyright Agent for receiving notifications and counter-notifications can be contacted at firstsmiles.vbp@gmail.com
Please note that only DMCA notices should be directed to our Copyright Agent. For all other feedback, comments, requests for technical support, or communications, please reach out to our customer service through the movieswatchhd.com Contact Center. Please keep in mind that non-compliance with our requirements may invalidate your DMCA notice.